When are you open?

The easy answer to this is "The Pro Shop is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." The Pro Shop is, of course, an online store and, with the possible exception of one item (The Omega Pad), you can place an order whenever it's convenient for you.

If you're open all the time, why do I have to wait to receive my order?

The Pro Shop is indeed open all the time, but all orders are filled the old-fashioned way -- by a real live person who, as you might expect, needs to sleep on a fairly regular basis. If your order is placed Monday through Friday, it will most likely be processed within 24 hours, and oftentimes sooner. Orders placed on a weekend will be filled on Monday, unless that's a holiday.

I placed my order over 24 hours ago and still haven't received it -- where is it?

From time to time, we receive emails from people (some of whom are quite irate) asking, "Where's my order?"

There are a number of reasons you may not have received an order or an email confirming your order.

Spoiler Alert: The #1 reason you may not have received your order is the second reason listed below.

(1) In some cases, the question arises because you missed the part that's featured on every sale page: the fact that all Pro Shop orders are filled manually, and depending on what time of day the order comes in, there may be a 24 - 48 hour delay before it's delivered.

(2) In other cases, the non-delivery of an order is because your email address as provided to us by PayPal is old or not checked often. When this happens, we have only two choices -- wait for you to email "Where's my order?" or cancel the order altogether. So, PLEASE -- in the interest of greater satisfaction all around, before you place your order, check to see that PayPal has your most recent email address and/or you have checked the email PayPal has for you..

(3) Another reason people don't see the email we send regarding their order is that it gets automatically sent to a junk folder, either because their email client makes that decision for them, or they have a filter set up that prevents them from seeing our emails.

(4) There is one other possible reason you may not have received your order or a confirmation email, and this only happens with less than 1% of orders. Typically, PayPal emails us that an order has been placed, which starts the order fulfillment process on The Pro Shop end of things. HOWEVER... every once in a while, PayPal fails to send us an email, and so we don't know that the order is out there, twisting in the digital wind.

So, for greater ordering satisfaction, before you assume that your order hasn't been sent out, PLEASE...

a) check the email address you used when you set up your PayPal account, and

(b) check your junk folder(s).

If you've checked (a) and (b), and it's been more than 48 hours, PLEASE send us an email or use the Contact form found here: https://proshopenterprises.com/contact.html

And yes -- we understand that things do occasionally go missing due to the inscrutable nature of the Internet, so if you've already checked (a) and (b), we are more than happy to re-send your order.

What's your return policy?

Like 99.99% of the other dealers in the magic/mentalism/allied arts community, The Pro Shop sells products that are based on exclusive, proprietary intellectual property and/or confidential information -- once you've received and viewed this information, the full value of your purchase has been realized. Of course, if there is a defect in a physical product or digital file, we will do everything within our power to make good on the order.

I've got a great idea for a book -- will you publish it?

The answer to that is "It depends". We love to publish both known and unknown authors, and our revenue sharing arrangement is possibly one of the best in the publishing business. Having said that, the reality is that it takes a lot of time and effort to take a project from its manuscript form to a fully-realized product suitable for the market. Naturally, the more complete your manuscript, the quicker that process will be. If you have something you think would fit well within the existing Pro Shop product line, please feel free to contact us to explore the possibility.

I'm interested in one of your pitch book/tick sheet packages -- is there any chance of seeing a copy in advance of ordering?

Due to the proprietary nature of the materials, we do not send out samples. We've been burned more than once in the past, and that gets old pretty fast.

Will I be able to modify the pitch book/tick sheet package?

Most pitch books, tick sheets and manuals are delivered via download or email attachment in PDF format which cannot be modified by the customer. There are a few exceptions that include Microsoft Word compatible templates -- check the web page for the product you're interested in, and if it includes an template you can customize yourself, it will be mentioned.

In general, however, due to the proprietary nature of the content and design of Pro Shop products, we do not supply blank templates or open source files. We are, however, willing to work with you to ensure that your customized pitch books and tick sheets meet your needs and satisfaction. Taking that one step further, every pitch book/tick sheet purchase comes with a lifetime agreement whereby we will modify your materials whenever the need arises (within reason, of course... weekly changes are strongly discouraged).

My question isn't here -- what should I do?

O.K., that question is obviously a ringer planted by some audience stooge. I suspect the webmaster. It does, however raise a valid point: if you have a question that doesn't appear here, please feel free to contact us, and we'll do our best to answer it. Who knows... it might even get included in this FAQ, preserved for all time. Or until some Near Earth Object takes the grid down.